Brisbane Asia Pacific Film Festival (BAPFF) is a prestigious film festival in Australia showcasing the creative and cultural breadth of cinematic works from the vast Asia Pacific region. The Festival program celebrates cinematic excellence and champions distinctive voices; it is also the programming team’s mission to honour films that reflect the best of their cultural origins.
In its third year (2016) the BAPFF program consists of more than 80 features films, documentaries, shorts and cinema classics. Take a look at our incredible program, sure to enchant, electrify and amaze.
The Festival is officially associated with the Asia Pacific Screen Awards (APSA), a unique international collaboration with UNESCO and FIAPF-International Federation of Film Producers Associations, that celebrates the best in Asia Pacific cinema. BAPFF provides a rare chance to experience a great selection of the APSA nominated films each year.
Home to 4.5 billion people across 70 countries and areas, the Asia Pacific is the fastest-growing region for film production in the world, responsible for approximately 50 per cent of new cinema. The Asia Pacific stretches across a vast and varied part of the globe, extending from Egypt in the west to the Cook Islands in the east, and from Russia in the north to New Zealand in the south. Cinema provides a fascinating window into the lives and cultures of our region.